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Home Page
About Page
Contact Page
Products or Services Category Page
Products and Services Pages
Privacy Policy Page
Terms of Service Page
Site Map Page

*Hosting and domain purchased separately through Varial Hosting

Many business owners think about digital marketing backwards. They focus too much on social media and spend no time on their small business website. 

Your small business website is the home base for your business. This is where all the magic happens. If it’s not optimized and working for you, it may as well be turned off. It is where potential customers come when they are serious about purchasing from your business. Everything about your business is here. 

In order for your small business website to work for you, it needs to be simple, informative and easy to navigate. 

It doesn’t need to be fancy or complicated to compete on the internet. In fact, that can work against you. If a potential customer can’t find what they are looking for within 2 minutes, they’re gone. 

Home Page

The homepage of your small business website is your company’s virtual front door so it needs to be optimized with that in mind.

About Page

The About page of your small business website is the page where you build trust with your customers and leads. It is there to humanize your brand and tell the story behind the company.

Contact Page

The contact page of your website is the page where you tell your customers and leads how to reach you.

Products or Services Category Page

The category page of your small business website is the page where you list your available product and service categories.

Products and Services Pages

These pages of your website are where you include the details of each product or service.

Privacy Policy Page

In order to stay compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations you must have a privacy policy page on your website.

Terms of Service Page

In order to stay compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations you also must have a terms and conditions page on your website.

Site Map Page

A site map is a listing of all the pages of a small business website. It increases the search engine visibility of your website.


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Small Business Website



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