6 Ways Multitasking is Making You Bad at Everything and How to Stop

man at desk with laptop with sticky notes everywhere

Last Updated on March 13, 2024 by Treana Wunsch

Multitasking is bad for your productivity. When you try to do two things at the same time, you end up doing worse in both of them. Studies have shown that multitasking actually reduces your ability to focus and complete tasks.

It’s not just a matter of being inefficient – it’s also about how your brain works when it tries to juggle multiple tasks at once. Multitasking messes with your natural way of processing information, which can lead to errors and poor decision-making.

Multitasking is bad for your productivity and mental well-being, according to a study published in the journal Psychological Science. People who multitask are more likely to make mistakes and have problems with focus. The study found that people who multitask are also less efficient when it comes to completing tasks. When you’re trying to do two things at once, you’re not as successful as when you focus exclusively on one task.

Most people believe that multitasking means doing two things at once. But according to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, multitasking actually reduces the amount of time that you spend on each task. The study found that when people are asked to perform two tasks simultaneously, they spend less time on each task than when they are working on one task.

In addition, the researchers found that the more tasks participants were asked to do simultaneously, the less time they spent on each task. This indicates that multitasking is not beneficial and may in fact be detrimental to productivity.

When people are stressed, they are less likely to be successful in completing tasks and may even make mistakes. Multitasking also has a negative impact on our ability to learn new information or work on complex projects.

Multitasking can actually create more stress in our lives than it relieves

Multitasking is bad

According to a study published in the journal “PLoS One,” when people are asked to switch between two tasks, they experience an increase in cortisol, the hormone that is released during times of stress. This means that multitasking may actually lead to more stress and anxiety for some people.

When we’re constantly trying to juggle multiple tasks, we become anxious and stressed out. This can have negative consequences on our health, including increased levels of stress hormones like cortisol. So why should we be concerned about our stress levels? Because the effects of stress are cumulative…the more stress you experience, the greater your risk for serious health problems. Stress can also decrease our ability to make good decisions like deciding which task to tackle next.

According to a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience, multitasking can actually create more stress in our lives than it relieves. When we try to do multiple things at once, our brain struggles to keep up and ends up producing more stress hormones like cortisol. This increases the risk of developing chronic stress, which can lead to health problems like heart disease and obesity. So if you’re struggling with your stress levels, it may be best to start by focusing on one task at a time and see if that reduces your stress levels.

It’s hard to focus on one task when you’re doing multiple things

Words FOCUS - Follow One Course Until Successful

You can be trying to watch a movie, text someone, answer emails and work on a project all at the same time. But if you try to do them all at once, it’s difficult to get anything done. When you do them one after the other, it’s easier to stay focused.

There are many things that can distract us from our goals, but staying focused is one of the most important things we can do to achieve them. If you want to achieve anything in life, focus on one task at a time. It’s something that I constantly try to do and it’s helped me accomplish some incredible things.

When you’re trying to complete a difficult task, breaking it down into smaller parts makes it much easier. You can then focus on completing one part at a time while avoiding distractions. If you can manage to take the same approach when you’re trying to tackle your day-to-day tasks, you’ll be well on your way to success

If you want to achieve anything in life, focus on one task at a time. Share on X

In order to truly be productive, you need to remove distractions. This may seem like an impossible task, but it’s not. In fact, there are a few simple ways to remove distractions and get more done.

It all starts with setting boundaries. Set clear limits, and create systems to enforce them. For example, block out time to work uninterrupted. Next, turn off all your notifications while you’re working on a task. This will keep you from getting distracted by the constant barrage of messages that come through your phone. Set reminders on your computer and phone to give yourself a specific amount of time to get work done.

You’re more likely to make mistakes when you’re multitasking

Coffee spilled on messy desk with paperwork calculator and glasses

Multitasking is popular, but it’s not the best way to work. When you’re multitasking, you’re more likely to make mistakes. Each time you switch from one task to another, your brain is working in two different modes and that can lead to errors. By focusing on one task at a time, you’ll be able to complete it more quickly and with less error. This will also help you to keep yourself more organized. It’s easier to have a clean desk if you know that you are only working on one thing at a time.

According to a study published in the journal “PLoS One,” when people are asked to do two tasks at once, they are nearly twice as likely to make a mistake as when they are only doing one task. The study found that even when people are working on very simple tasks, like counting backward from 100, they’re still more likely to make a mistake when they’re multitasking. This is probably because our brains aren’t trained to focus on two tasks at once, and we end up making mistakes because of it. So next time you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by your To-Do list, try taking some time for yourself and focusing on just one task at a time.

Multitasking makes you less productive

woman sitting at desk with laptop and sticky notes everywhere holding a clock

Multitasking has been shown to have negative effects on productivity. In one study, participants were asked to complete a task that required both mental and manual efforts simultaneously. The more tasks the participants had to complete at the same time, the more time it took them to complete the task. Interestingly, even when the participants knew they would be timed, they were less productive when multitasking compared to when they were working on a single task. This suggests that multitasking takes up cognitive resources that could be used for other tasks.

Additionally, research has shown that our brains are not as efficient when we are multitasking as when we are focusing on one task. This means that if you want to be productive while multitasking, you need to focus on each task separately and take breaks often so your brain can switch back and forth between tasks without taxing it too much.

Multitasking is bad for your brain

water being poured into the shape of a brain

Multitasking has become a popular way to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. However, recent studies have shown that multitasking can actually damage your brain. When you are trying to do two or more tasks at the same time, you are essentially dividing your attention and energy between the tasks. This can lead to decreased efficiency and even impairment in some areas of your brain. So if you want to keep your brain healthy and functioning at its best, it is important to avoid multitasking whenever possible.

Working memory (also known as short-term memory) is your ability to store information temporarily and then use it over the course of several seconds or minutes. Working memory is critical to your ability to learn, but it can also be affected by multitasking. 

If you try and do two or more things at the same time, this can cut into your working memory, which makes it difficult for you to learn new information. For example, if you are trying to read a book while listening to the radio at the same time, you will have a hard time getting through both tasks. This is because your working memory is being used up by both tasks, and you will have less room for learning.

Multi-tasking is bad for your IQ. According to a study published in the journal “PLoS One.” The researchers found that people who multi-task have lower IQs than those who focus on one task at a time. This study also found that people who multi-task have a harder time remembering things and are more prone to making mistakes.

It’s hard to relax and recover when you’re always multitasking


It seems like we can’t take a break from our phones or computers fast enough, but in reality, we need the breaks. When we’re constantly on the go, it’s difficult to wind down and focus on our health. And if we don’t get recovery time, we risk burnout and even more damage to our productivity. Not only do we not have time to take a break, but often we’re not even sure if our breaks are helping us at all.

We’ve been conditioned to think that if we work hard enough and long enough, then our work will eventually get done. As a result, we’ve become so inured to the idea of taking breaks that we don’t even realize when we need one. But the truth is, we all need breaks. There are two kinds of breaks, both of which are important:

1. The kind that you take to recharge your batteries. It’s hard to do this when you’re working because work is supposed to be the thing that gets you out of bed in the morning. But it’s also important to take time for yourself. You don’t want to be on autopilot all the time, but you want to make sure that you’re not over-extending yourself.  

2. The kind that you take to give the things you do a little rest. In order to be able to do this, you have to be able to step away from what you’re doing. I find going for a walk has helped inspire me if I’ve got a mental block about something I’m working on. It can also be a great idea generator.

How to stop multitasking and focus on one task at a time

Use a timer

green apple timer on white background

When you’re trying to get work done, it’s easy to get distracted. For some, the best way to stay focused is by setting a timer for how long they will be working on a project. This way, they are forced to stay on task.

Another great idea is to set a timer for how long you will be working without running into distractions. This will help you to stay focused on the task at hand, and not be distracted by social media or other things that can cause your brain to wander. Even if you’re working in a coffee shop, you can set a timer for how long you’ll be working without being distracted.

Set boundaries for yourself

red manual alarm clock on wooden surface and concrete background

Make sure you set reasonable limits on how long you’ll be working each day and make sure that you have time for your personal life as well. If you can’t enforce these boundaries, then at least try to schedule regular breaks throughout the day so that you can recharge. Take a walk around the office, or go outside to get some fresh air. Thinking about work can make you feel like a zombie, and even if it helps your productivity, it won’t help you sleep. 

Keep a schedule

person holding white ipad with calendar displayed

You don’t need to keep track of every hour you spend at work and in your personal life, but how about some kind of system that helps you plan and prioritize?

Time blocking is a technique used to manage time and productivity. By breaking down work into specific blocks of time, e.g., work, errands, leisure activities (reading books, watching TV), you can focus on tasks that need to be completed. Aim to take 10-15 minutes for each block of time you participate in during the day. This will keep you from feeling overwhelmed or like you can’t ever “finish” anything.

Get organized

black desk with laptop lamp flower and day planner

When everything is chaotic, it’s difficult to decide what’s important. Try organizing your belongings, your desk, and your schedule in order to make things more manageable. Start making goals for yourself and make a plan for accomplishing them. If you want a step-by-step plan to help you accomplish this, read this article.

Know what tasks are important

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Task management is an essential part of any productive, organized workflow. However, many people don’t know what tasks are actually important. Make sure you are working on the right tasks. Whether your goal is to finish a project on time, increase efficiency or just cut down on stress, following a checklist or process can help make it happen. However, if you’re not focusing on the right tasks, you could be wasting your time and energy on things that don’t matter.

In order to be effective, a task management system needs to provide individuals with a way to identify which tasks are essential and which can be dropped without impacting their work performance. There are a number of ways to accomplish this task identification, but the most effective approach depends on the individual’s preferences and working style.

Some people may prefer a visual representation of their tasks, while others may prefer lists that are easy to access. Regardless of the method used, it is important to find a system that works for the individual using it.

I use Trello for everything. Trello is a digital board app that allows you to manage and track projects with teammates. The app is easy to use, and it has a huge community of users who can help you with your projects.

Trello is perfect for small businesses who need to keep track of multiple projects, or for teams who want an organized way to communicate their work. It’s highly customizable. I use it to set up business and personal projects. I create ‘cards’ for each task I need to accomplish then set due dates for each. Then I use the cards as my to-do list. It’s very satisfying to check off each due date and watch the task/card disappear from my list.

Here are some tips on how to figure out what tasks are most important in your business:

1. Ask yourself what you need to keep your business running smoothly. This could include things like marketing and sales efforts, managing finances, or keeping the office clean. If find yourself constantly multitasking and operating in reaction mode, you’re wearing too many hats in your business, maybe now is the time to outsource some tasks.

2. Once you have a good idea of what’s important, break it down into smaller tasks that can be completed easily and efficiently. Make a list of everything you need to do in order to meet your goals, then start working on the most important items first.

3. Take time every day to assess your progress and make any necessary adjustments. Continually keep your goals in mind, but don’t forget to take care of yourself as well!


Multitasking is bad because it creates stress, makes it hard to focus, results in more mistakes, and is bad for your brain. To be productive and effective, it is important to focus on one task at a time.

To minimize stress and distractions, try to set aside specific times during the day to work on specific tasks. Take some time each day to relax and recover from all the tasks you’ve been working on. To be more effective and get more done, focus on one thing at a time. If you want to learn more about how to get more done in less time, check out my article.

Many people like to multitask in order to feel productive and work faster, but the research shows that multitasking can actually cause you to work slower. Multitasking isn’t the amazing skill some people give it credit for. That’s why some days it seems like you’ve been extremely busy but have hardly gotten anything done. If you want to reach your goals, multitasking has got to go.

What are your thoughts on multitasking? Let me know in the comments!

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Dan Richards
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Brandon MackOwner | Black Atlas Creative
"Treana did all the legwork for the business plan I was putting together. I started going through the process myself, but figured after about 5 headaches in that it would probably be better to hire someone who knew the ins and outs of putting one together. Glad I did! Saved me tons of time and has everything I needed!"
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Dzurka Plumbing and Heating
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Owner | Straight Edge Barbers
"Treana does my monthly books and she is very efficient and does a fantastic job keeping my business in line. 👍"

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Dan Richards
Dan Richards
Co-owner | XFE Project Solutions
Treana has been very flexible, not only with making time for our requirements, but also with the tasks on the ever-changing "to do" list for her. She has also leveraged her experience to connect us with other service providers that we would not have found on our own.
Brandon Mack
Brandon MackOwner | Black Atlas Creative
Treana did all the legwork for the business plan I was putting together. I started going through the process myself, but figured after about 5 headaches in that it would probably be better to hire someone who knew the ins and outs of putting one together. Glad I did! Saved me tons of time and has everything I needed!
Tyler Dzurka
Dzurka Plumbing Inc.
Very professional, on the ball, and very insightful on how to make an efficient business stay progressing and making good profits. Very quick at responding and honest and sincere. 10 out of 10.

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